You have several options to get to Les 2 Alpes:
- By car (643km from Paris, 596 km from Strasbourg, 374 km from Marseille, 171 km from Lyon, 75 km from Grenoble)
- By train to Grenoble + Bus ride to Les 2 Alpes
- By plane with destination of Grenoble, Chambéry or Genève.
If you take a train or plane, we can arrange transportation via mini-bus to simplify your arrival, feel free to ask for a quote.
From Grenoble
- Follow the highway until you reach Grenoble, exit #8 (Briançon, Vizille)
- Then follow road RD1091 towards Briançon via Le Bourg d'Oisans.
- When you reach « Barrage du Chambon », turn right and reach the resort via road D213.
From Briançon / Italy
- Follow road RD1091 to Grenoble.
- When you reach « Barrage du Chambon », turn left and reach the resort via road D213.
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